The Roof Store Trump Synthetic Underlayment is available for immediate shipping. The idea originated from the request from roofing contractors throughout The United States that wanted to have fun on the 2024 election year. Each roll measures 48 inches wide x 250 feet long (10 squares = 1,000 square feet). Surface technology provides good traction.
Prepare the roof decking by removing debris and old fasteners. Cover roof deck joints or H-Clips or plywood clips because they damage the syntetic underlayment products.
Minimize Exposure to rain or wind events while installing The Roof Store Synthetic Underlayment.
Fasten with The Roof Store Cap Nails (Ring Shank) in locations specified (and marked) on The Roof Store Synthetic Underlayment. Nails without plastic caps or staples can damage The Roof Store Synthetic Underlayment and could cause leaking. Please fasten the plastic cap nails properly by hammering them flush and perpendicular (not at an angle) to the roof decking surface that is in great condition. When re-roofing, repair decking before installing The Roof Store Synthetic Underlayment. Broken, cracked, over-driven cap nails should never be installed or left installed. Place fasteners 6” on-center on side lap area and stagger two rows of 12” on-center.
The Roof Store Synthetic Underlayment covers the decking and it is designed to be covered with mechanically attached asphalt shingle roofing systems and should not be visible when roof has been installed properly.
Side and End Laps are areas where wind and wind driven rain can penetrate the roof system. Install The Roof Store Synthetic Underlayment with 6 inch side lap and 12 inch end lap.
Below is the Florida Building Code Approval that the manufacturer gave us that proves they applied and received their certification. We put our logo on their product.